Do you need to use local_kw when working with FastAPI, Aiogram, and SQLAlchemy together?

Как настроить эндпоинт FastApi для работы с ботом, реализованным на aiogram3.5 с подключенной алхимией, чтобы избежать проблем с бесконечной загрузкой запроса и постоянным требованием аргумента local_kw* в сваггере?
  • 3 мая 2024 г. 6:30
Ответы на вопрос 1
No, you do not need to use local_kw when working with FastAPI, Aiogram, and SQLAlchemy together. The local_kw parameter in FastAPI is used for dependency injection, which is useful for passing data or objects to your endpoints. 

To set up an endpoint in FastAPI to work with a bot implemented in Aiogram and connected to SQLAlchemy without running into issues with infinite request loading and constant demand for the local_kw argument in Swagger, you will need to ensure that your dependencies are set up correctly. Make sure that your SQLAlchemy session is properly managed using the provided FastAPI dependency injection mechanism and that your Aiogram bot is integrated in a non-blocking way.

It is recommended to carefully review and optimize your code structure to ensure efficient handling of requests without causing delays or issues with dependency injection. Additionally, make sure to handle exceptions and errors appropriately to avoid any issues with the running of your application.
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