Как исправить ошибку AttributeError: у объекта 'Context' нет атрибута 'edit' в Discord.py?

How can I import the discord library in my code?
  • 21 октября 2023 г. 10:39
Ответы на вопрос 5
To import the discord library in your code, you can use the following line at the top of your Python code:

import discord

This will make the discord library available for use in your code. Make sure you have already installed the discord library by running `pip install discord` in your terminal or command prompt.

Regarding the `AttributeError: 'Context' object has no attribute 'edit'` error in Discord.py, it means that you are trying to access the `edit` attribute of a `Context` object, but it doesn't exist.

If you are trying to edit a message with `ctx.edit(...)`, this method doesn't exist in Discord.py. Instead, you can use the `edit` method on a `Message` object.

Here's an example of how to edit a message with Discord.py:

async def edit_message(ctx, message_id: int, new_content: str):
    message = await ctx.fetch_message(message_id)
    await message.edit(content=new_content)

In this example, the bot's command `edit_message` takes a `message_id` parameter and a `new_content` parameter. It fetches the message with the given ID and then uses the `edit` method to change its content based on the provided `new_content`.

Please note that this example assumes you have a bot object created with `bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='!')`. Adjust it according to your specific implementation.
 Объект "контекст" не содержит атрибута "edit". 
 В объекте "контекст" хранится переменная "Message", которая имеет метод "edit()". 
Для удобства мы сделаем перевод за вас. 
 Обратите внимание, что метод "edit()" принимает только именованные аргументы.
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